Total of 20CEs
This intensive is a series of comprehensive workshops and paperwork templates that can be customized for use in your practice as a therapist.
This workshop intensive experience is offered for 20CEs: 14CEs are completed online at your convenience; 6CEs are via two virtual, live workshops . The pre-recorded, on-demand workshops will be immediately accessible upon registration.
In addition to the CE workshops, the following customizable paperwork sample templates are included:
- HIPAA Privacy Practices
- Clinical Supervision Agreement
- Informed Consent for Individuals
- Informed Consent for Adolescents
- Informed Consent for Families
- Informed Consent Agreement for Custody Matters
- Fee Agreement
- Clinical Screening
- Biopsychosocial
- PHI Release Log
- Good Faith Estimate
The workshops that are included in this series are:
Paperwork Provisions for Private Practice 3CEs (3 Ethics, 3 Supv) - This workshop will explore the clinical, legal, ethical, and business implications of paperwork and fees in private practice. This will be the "bread and butter" basics of drafting effective paperwork for your practice, which we will later expand upon by discussing specific provisions that may or may not be relevant to your practice. **Paperwork included: Sample Template for Informed Consent for Individuals, Sample Template for Informed Consent for Adolescents, Sample Template for Informed Consent for Families, and Sample Template for Fee Agreement**
"I Don't Go There": Paperwork that Keeps You Out of Court 3CEs (3 Ethics, 3 Supv) - This workshop explores the ethical practice and pitfalls of working with court-involved families, and how to effectively address these issues in your paperwork. The importance of clearly defining the therapist’s role at the outset of treatment, clinical implications of court-involvement for clients, and appropriate communication with court will be discussed. The impact and implications for various paperwork provisions will also be explored. **Paperwork included: Sample Template for Informed Consent Agreement for Custody Matters**
Risk Assessment in Private Practice: Practical Applications 1CE (1 Ethics, 0 Supv) - This workshop will explore the basics of effective risk assessment for high-risk issues such as suicide and self-harm, domestic violence, child abuse, and homicide. **Paperwork included: Sample Template for Clinical Screening and Sample Template for Biopsychosocial**
HIPAA: Practical Applications for Private Practice Therapists 1.5CE (1.5 Ethics, 0 Supv) - A step-by-step walkthrough of HIPAA for therapists in private practice. This workshop explores the process for determining whether HIPAA applies to you and your practice. We will also explore the role and purpose of HIPAA Privacy Practices and walk through common provisions and pitfalls for HIPAA Privacy Practices. **Paperwork included: Sample Template for HIPAA Privacy Practices, and Sample Template for PHI Release Log**
Lend Me Your License: Paperwork to Protect Clinical Supervisors & Supervisees 1.5CE (0 Ethics, 1.5 Supv) - This workshop will cover the legal aspects of effective clinical supervision of licensure Candidates including but not limited to utilizing supervision contracts as a legal and clinical tool in the supervisory process, vicarious liability of supervisors for supervisees, and using effective communication and the supervisor-supervisee relationship to minimize and mitigate legal liability and improve clinical supervision outcomes. **Paperwork included: Sample Template for Clinical Supervision Agreement**
- No Surprises Act & Good Faith Estimates 1CE (1 Ethics) - This workshop provides a basic overview of the No Surprises Act and the requirement for Good Faith Estimates that went into effect 1/1/2022. **Paperwork included: Sample Template for Good Faith Estimate and Sample Template for GFE Notice**
Paperwork that SERVES (Part I) 3CEs (3 Ethics, 3 Supv) - LIVE Workshop Friday, December 20th 2024 - This workshop will offer ample opportunity for Q&A and hands-on application. All online workshops should be completed prior to this live workshop for maximum benefit.
Paperwork that SERVES (Part II) 3CEs (3 Ethics, 3 Supv) - LIVE Workshop Friday, June 20th 2025 - This workshop will offer ample opportunity for Q&A and hands-on application. All online workshops should be completed prior to this live workshop for maximum benefit.
Paperwork that SERVES Part 1 & 2 Live Workshop Dates:
What People Are Saying: